Association Representatives (ARs)
ARs help and guide their fellow MTEA members with a broad range of issues, including: contractual concerns; district policies & procedures; benefits; and administrative confrontations. They are vital sources of information who serve as liaisons between the general membership and the Executive Board.
Here is a link to a flowchart that clearly outlines the responsibilities of the Head ARs and regular ARs.
Below are the ARs for the 2023-24 school year by building. Head ARs are in boldface type.
Here is a very helpful AR Handbook from NJEA. Please review it and become familiar with it. ~ 8/26/17
Here is a link to a flowchart that clearly outlines the responsibilities of the Head ARs and regular ARs.
Below are the ARs for the 2023-24 school year by building. Head ARs are in boldface type.
Here is a very helpful AR Handbook from NJEA. Please review it and become familiar with it. ~ 8/26/17