Association Representatives (ARs)
ARs help and guide their fellow MTEA members with a broad range of issues, including: contractual concerns; district policies & procedures; benefits; and administrative confrontations. They are vital sources of information who serve as liaisons between the general membership and the Executive Board.
Here is a link to a flowchart that clearly outlines the responsibilities of the Head ARs and regular ARs.
Below are the ARs for this school year, by building. Head ARs are in boldface type.
Here is a very helpful AR Handbook from NJEA. Please review it and become familiar with it. ~ 8/26/17
Here is a link to a flowchart that clearly outlines the responsibilities of the Head ARs and regular ARs.
Below are the ARs for this school year, by building. Head ARs are in boldface type.
Here is a very helpful AR Handbook from NJEA. Please review it and become familiar with it. ~ 8/26/17